Membership Benefits

The Water Data Collaborative welcomes individuals from all community science water quality monitoring efforts to paticipate in the building national standards and avenues of program support. Collectively, the WDC provides a space to cultivate a community for water monitoring practitioners using best available practices and technologies with the intent of providing data that leads to the protection and restoration of our nation’s waterways.

Unlike generic social media platforms, the WDC targets conversations surrounding all aspects of the community science water monitoring efforts. The non-proprietary platform opens a space for discussion, promotion, and growth for individuals working to improve water quality through the engagement of community science programs.

Membership options


Member Account


Member accounts are offered free to any non-profit, local government, or users affiliated with an institution of higher learning. Member accounts are the backbone of the Mainstem Network, through which our collective knowledge and impact grow.

Pro Account


We offer opportunities for supporting the WDC as a Technical Service Provider, Funder, or state/federal government. Provider accounts serve as the support system to Mainstem Network members, providing support and expertise to enhance local community water monitoring programs.

What’s Included



Connect with other community water science professionals and add to the collective resources.


Create or join your own network. Whether to build a regional monitoring network or connect with other groups in your area Networks allow for easy collaboration.


Funding opportunities, job postings, volunteers opportunities; find the support you or your organization need to take your monitoring program to the next level.


Monitoring Programs

Add your organization’s monitoring program to our growing list of programs spanning the U.S. and see what other organizations are monitoring in your area.


Trainings, QAPP templates, data management or visualization tools; find tools that enhance the impact of your monitoring.


Post recent updates from your monitoring program on our Live Feed or stay up to date on the most recent community monitoring news across the nation.